Yoruba Ni Mi 2022

‘Without the Arts and Education in our Culture, we live in a world without an identity without which we cannot exist’ – Sayo Faponle – Curator.

We are honoured to display Yoruba contemporary art from a group of talented artists participating in this exhibition, presenting Yoruba cultural identity and using a variety of mediums from oil and acrylic on canvas, to clay and Ferrous Iron.
Our gratitude to the Chair, Trustees of Yoruba foundation and to our gracious Roz @whatrozcreates who has made the collation of this exhibition aesthetically pleasing.
Yoruba Gallery is a member of the Yoruba Foundation, A UK registered non-profit organisation, promoting Yoruba Arts, Culture and Education.
Ope fun Olodumare, Orunmila, Ori, Egungun, Orisa ati gbogbo Egbe wa, l’Orun ati l’aiye.


The exhibition was curated by Say Faponle- Yoruba Gallery